
Linux terminal basic movement

Background After using nvim for couple month, I am quite comfortable to move between text within the text editor. But I find myself being quite strange in terminal. Therefore, here is a small resea...

Nvim: common action/movement

Background After some set up of vim I want to mark down some common action that I used within my Nvim. Most of them are quite useful during processing log and unique that only vim have this functio...

Nvim: Difficulty I encounter during set up my profile

Background Setting up my nvim config recently, and decide to jot down some notes related. Not gonna mentioned every thing from hjkl navigation, but more like what mistake I made, and how to make st...

Self-Study: MIT, Distributed System - 6.824/6.5840 Configuration/Help

Run multiple test #!/bin/bash # check if the arguments are valid if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [Times] [2A/2B/2C/2D - Case Insensitive]" exit 1 fi # assign the arguments to variables ...

Self-Study: MIT, Distributed System - 6.824/6.5840 Lab 2A (Raft - Leader Election)

Overview MIT 6.5840, formerly known as 6.824, is a graduate-level course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that covers distributed systems. The course presents abstractions and im...

Self-Study: MIT, Distributed System - 6.824/6.5840 Lab 1(Map-Reduce)

Overview MIT 6.5840, formerly known as 6.824, is a graduate-level course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that covers distributed systems. The course presents abstractions and im...

C++ Qt Core vs Qt Quick vs Qt QML vs Qt Widget

Qt Core The Qt Core module provides core non-GUI functionality to C++. It adds features such as a powerful mechanism for seamless object communication called signals and slots, queryable and de...

核心競爭力和人生決定 | Competiveness and life decision making

初入社會,難免有很多誘惑和試探,在此記錄低自己的經驗以提醒未來的自己 決定 人生難免要做唔同嘅選擇,而呢啲選擇往往有唔同嘅成本,例如因爲你選擇返工,而失去左學習嘅時間,照顧屋企人,陪伴伴侶嘅時間。 選擇的要訣 我係面對人生選擇時,主要評核選擇嘅準則係首先要應付到短期嘅生存,包括衣食住行,繼續係留係呢個行業, 等等。係解決左呢個問題之後,就比較下對於自己黎講,呢個決定點樣影響自己嘅核心...

反SMART GOALS | Anti - S.M.A.R.T Goals

Smart Goal 定義 | Definations Specific – target a specific area for improvement. Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress. Assignable – specify who will do it. Rea...


試下寫blog,記錄低自己20歲嘅青春、漫長嘅coding修煉,以及往後嘅人生。 Blog Template: cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy Google Translation Try writing a blog to record my 20-year-old youth, long coding practice, and future ...