Home 反SMART GOALS | Anti - S.M.A.R.T Goals

反SMART GOALS | Anti - S.M.A.R.T Goals

Smart Goal 定義 | Definations

  • Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
  • Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
  • Assignable – specify who will do it.
  • Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
  • Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

反SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goal) | Anti - S.M.A.R.T Goals




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I would have set a lot of goals, from sports, reading, and even coding. But since I continued to write code for a year and a half (basically every study in my life before the age of 18 was abandoned halfway), I found that the goals set a year and a half ago were actually too far away. After the analysis, I found that a year and a half ago, I didn’t know how difficult the goals I set were for me, or that it didn’t mean anything after completing the left pile of goals.

For example, if I make an agreement to become an excellent SWE from left to left, I need to complete 100 leetcodes within one year. But in fact, after practicing LC, you will find that LC cannot help you become a better SWE, and 100 questions is actually not a big deal.

Another disadvantage is that setting a goal that is too difficult because of a lack of understanding of the goal will easily cause frustration and damage one’s self-confidence.

解決辦法 | Solution - direction oriented task scheduling principle (我亂作的)

首先訂立一個方向,例如係,“我要體能好d”,而唔係一個SMART目標,“我要係一年後可以在一個鐘頭内跑到15km”,然後在思考有咩會幫助到令自己更接近呢個方向,例如跑步,做引體上升,行山。盡量唔好訂立一個regular routine要自己每隔一段時間要做一次,因爲一有其他野忙,就好容易skip一次兩次之後唔做,最後係自己空餘時間塞呢d task入去做。

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First set a direction, for example, “I want to be physically fit”, instead of a SMART goal, “I want to be able to run 15km in one hour after one year”, and then think about what will help you It is closer to this direction, such as running, doing pull-ups, and hiking. Try not to set up a regular routine that requires you to do it every once in a while, because once you have other busy schedules, it is easy to skip once or twice and then not do it, and finally fill in the d task in your spare time to do it.

適合用的場合 | Suitable scenario


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Be sure to acheive from the heart, such as becoming a better engineer, having a healthy body, and a more attractive body shape.

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