Home 核心競爭力和人生決定 | Competiveness and life decision making

核心競爭力和人生決定 | Competiveness and life decision making





我係面對人生選擇時,主要評核選擇嘅準則係首先要應付到短期嘅生存,包括衣食住行,繼續係留係呢個行業, 等等。係解決左呢個問題之後,就比較下對於自己黎講,呢個決定點樣影響自己嘅核心競爭力。錢,只不過係魚,魚會有食完嘅一日,但核心競爭力係漁,我只要持續鍛煉并且提升我嘅核心競爭力,係確保我可以繼續生存之後,只要投入努力和時間,未來就可以用最短嘅時間換最多嘅魚。

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When I first enter the society, there will inevitably be many temptations and temptations. I will record my experience here to remind my future self

Decision making

It is inevitable to make different choices in life, and these choices often have different costs. For example, because you choose to return to work, you will lose time to study, take care of your family, and spend time with your partner.

How to choose

When I face the choice of life, the main criterion for evaluating the choice is to deal with short-term survival first, including basic necessities of life, whether to continue to stay in this industry, and so on. After solving the problem on the left, let’s compare how this decision affects your core competitiveness. Money is nothing more than fish. Fish will eat one day, but the core competitiveness is fishing. I just need to continue to exercise and improve my core competitiveness. After ensuring that I can continue to survive, as long as I put in effort and time, the future You can exchange the most fish in the shortest time.

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