Home Nvim: Difficulty I encounter during set up my profile

Nvim: Difficulty I encounter during set up my profile


Setting up my nvim config recently, and decide to jot down some notes related. Not gonna mentioned every thing from hjkl navigation, but more like what mistake I made, and how to make stuff easier.

Potential Issues

Get the most update version

The version in debian-based apt repository (The version you installed with sudo apt-get install) is v0.6.1 which as at 2023 July, the most update version is v0.9.1 for stable release.

Case Sensitive File System

Windows and Mac are Case - Insensitive file system by default, and Linux are Case - Sensitive, it might leads to some issues

Search where will be your path

In nvim normal mode type :help vimrc-intro

It state the 2 default file path

  • ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (Unix and OSX)
  • ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim (Windows)

Live an easier life

Put everything on git

use git clone <your configuration> ~/.config/nvim , this will help a lot if you own multiple dev set up.

markdown a dependency list if needed

e.g. Telescope.nvim need [ripgrep0(https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep) as a dependencies, to use Packer.nvim to manage the package, you need to install it first.

Keep a good file structure in …/nvim

I try to seperate each plugin to its own file, so when I messed something up by installing new plugin, I could quickly remove it and fix my setting.


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